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This game was fun. Good Job.

A very solid unique game that had me yelling when the monsters popped out. A longer version would be so good, but I included my playthrough in my most recent indie horror showcase episode

Interresting game, happy to see more... :-)

This game was fun. Good Job.

So that's what looks like from the other side lol Nice short game i had fun. :)

Disgusting...Horrible... 1,000,000/10 STARS!!!!

THAT'S where babies come from!? 


I must confess that of the many ways I thought of creating humans, leaving this... place never crossed my mind hahahaha

Fun game

P.S. I was a little deafened by the screams of these monsters, anyway.

This game was great, very short though... 

Really good short game looking forward to play more of your games

Loved the game!! The wobbly camera effect and the offcenter flashlight really gave off a claustrophobic feeling which really suited it!

Sad it ended so quickly, would love a full game of this if you consider going further. Thank You! 🤗

Partes humanas comercializadas como em um açougue comum? Seria este o futuro da humanidade?

Espero que o seu destino não seja a mesa de natal de alguém, MAS, se você estiver no açougue agora, veja isso antes de tentar sair!!

This game was fun. The puzzle was a little confusing but I did like the vibes!

This was an awesome little game my dude! Very cool start, very surreal and strange as it kept going along. Starting with a flashlight AND A gun!? Thats how you do it! It was fun figuring out that damn code and then killing all those meat men. I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Pls go checkout my YouTube channel !

Horror Game Where Humans Are Farmed For Meat By Monsters - Human Farm

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